
Friday November 8, 2013

Stanislaus River Salmon FestivalThe historic community of Knight’s Ferry once again hosted the 5th Annual Stanislaus River Salmon Festival on October 26. Despite concerns of a potential cancellation due to the government shut down, the festival still went off without a hitch, with numerous groups and agencies in attendance. Fun and educational activities ranged from t-shirt painting to salmon carcass survey demonstrations. With more than 3,500 salmon having passed upstream, there was plenty for the more than 1,500 festival attendees to see this year, and many took the opportunity to view the salmon from the Sonora Road Bridge. As always,we appreciated the chance to interact with fellow fish fans, and want to thank everyone who stopped by the FISHBIO booth. Next year’s festival is tentatively schedule for November 8th, so be sure to mark your calendars!
Salmon Festival

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