

Torrey Pines Environmental


Ventura, California View Location Santa Barbara, California View Location Thousand Oaks, California View Location San Joaquin, California


$30 to $45 per hour

Job Posted On: August 26, 2024

Description: Torrey Pines Environmental is seeking field biologists to assist with biological surveys and compliance monitoring for several ongoing projects in sSan Joaquin Valley, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Thousand Oaks. Typical work will include local travel to various field locations to conduct surveys and monitoring for nesting birds, special-status species, rare plants, and wetlands/waters.

Responsibilities: Torrey Pines Environmental is an environmental consulting firm specializing in biological studies, regulatory compliance, and environmental permitting services throughout California and the western United States. Torrey Pines Environmental staff regularly conduct focused biological surveys, habitat assessments, and permitting for special-status wildlife, plants, and wetland resources, and support environmental compliance during project construction and operations.

Qualifications: Must have a minimum of 1 year of field experience, including experience with native bird identification or species native to Southern California, preferably including special-status species such as coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, western burrowing owl, Steven’s/San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Southern California rare plants, and/or Quino checkerspot butterfly.

**OR 1 year of experience conducting wetland delineations in the Arid West Region.

The following experience is also highly desirable: biological monitoring for construction projects, wildlife and botanical surveys, nesting bird surveys, and habitat assessments. Candidates must be motivated, have strong communication skills and be able to work effectively as part of a group or individually. Ideal candidates should possess a diverse background and understanding of southern California wildlife and plant communities.

**Degree Required**

BS degree in Biology, Natural Resources, Environmental Science or a related discipline.

Please send a resume to julie@torreypinesenv.com with the subject line “Field Biologists – Riverside – San Bernardino – Los Angeles” 

Learn more here.

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