The Don Pedro hydroelectric project was constructed in 1971 on the Tuolumne River, California, and includes a 580-foot-high dam within a series of dams, as well as a reservoir and powerhouse. As part of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing, FISHBIO conducted several fisheries studies that required collaborations with the licensees of the project, FERC, and three environmental consulting firms. FISHBIO led studies on the effects of predation on rearing and outmigrating juvenile salmonids, a salmonid redd mapping study, a Chinook salmon fry movement and survival study, a survey of the fish assemblage between Don Pedro Dam and La Grange Dam, and a Don Pedro Reservoir fish population survey. These studies included extensive analysis of baseline information available on water resources; fish and aquatic resources; and rare, threatened, and endangered species, as well as the collection of new, relevant data. As part of the collaborative process, FISHBIO personnel conducted meetings with federal and state agencies, local governments, NGOs, businesses, and members of the public.