
Patrick Cuthbert

Fisheries Biologist & Regulatory Specialist

Patrick Cuthbert is a fisheries biologist with experience in fieldwork and regulatory support. He is proficient in boat and backpack electrofishing, rotary screw traps, snorkel surveys, redd surveys, fish weir trapping, seining, substrate sampling, benthic invertebrate surveys, and small watercraft operation. Additionally, Patrick is experienced in programming acoustic tags and implanting passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in ESA-listed species, and in the operation and data management of the VAKI Riverwatcher fish passage monitoring system and DIDSON /ARIS sonar cameras.

Patrick supports the regulatory needs of numerous developers and utility districts, and has provided fisheries assessments for construction projects in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins as well as the Northern California coast. Patrick is FISHBIO’s primary point of contact for preparing all NOAA Fisheries and California Department of Fish and Wildlife regulatory applications, including Section 10(a)1(A)s, Section 4(d)s, Scientific Collection Permits, and Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements. He has also assisted in the development of the Calaveras River Habitat Conservation Plan.

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Selected Reports and Publications

FISHBIO. 2016. Delta Smelt State-of-the Science Review. Technical Memorandum. http://fishbio.com/smelt

Cuthbert, P. and Guignard, J. 2016. Honolulu Bar floodplain enhancement project: Year 4 monitoring report (September 1, 2015-August 31, 2016). Prepared by FISHBIO for the Oakdale Irrigation District and the US Fish and Wildlife Service – Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.

Cuthbert, P. and Guignard, J. 2015. Honolulu Bar floodplain enhancement project: Year 3 monitoring report (September 1, 2014-August 31, 2015). Prepared by FISHBIO for the Oakdale Irrigation District and the US Fish and Wildlife Service – Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.

Cuthbert, R., Cuthbert, P., and Peterson, M. 2013. Salinas Basin juvenile O. mykiss outmigration monitoring 2012 final report. Prepared by FISHBIO for Monterey County Water Resources Agency.

Cuthbert, R., Cuthbert, P., and Fuller, A. 2013. Salinas Basin adult steelhead escapement monitoring 2013 annual report. Prepared by FISHBIO for Monterey County Water Resources Agency.

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