Emily is a fisheries biologist with 7 years of experience in fisheries and freshwater ecology. After receiving her Bachelor’s in Environmental Science from Xavier University, she worked as a fisheries technician for the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS). Emily is familiar with multiple fisheries sampling gear types including, gill nets, hoop nets, fyke nets, trawling, seining, boat electrofishing, and backpack electrofishing. She received her Master’s in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from Arkansas Tech University (ATU) in 2022, where she studied genetic impacts of barriers on a highly migratory fish species in the Arkansas River. Before joining FISHBIO, Emily worked on marking and coded wire tagging juvenile steelhead, spring-run Chinook salmon, and fall-run Chinook salmon in Northern California Hatcheries. She is proficient in using the statistical software program R, and has had recent experience using MATLAB for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data analysis.
Jonagan, Emily R., “A Genetic Evaluation of the Impacts of Dams on Sauger Movement Patterns in the Arkansas River” (2022). ATU Theses and Dissertations 2021 – Present. 38.