
Monday December 2, 2024


Governor Gavin Newsom on November 21 celebrated the votes over the previous week by three water agencies of the next phase of funding for the Delta Conveyance Project, while a diverse coalition of opponents blasted the project as a massive and expensive boondoggle that would hasten the extinction of Central Valley salmon, Delta smelt and other fish species and cause enormous harm to Delta and Tribal communities.

The Alameda County Water District, Desert Water Agency, and Palmdale Water District all voted in favor of supporting the Delta Tunnel, according to the Governor’s Office. These follow other water agencies throughout the state that have also voted in favor of moving the next phase of the project forward.

These agencies include the Coachella Valley Water District, Crestline-Lake Arrowhead Water Agency, Mojave Water Agency, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency and Zone 7 Water Agency. 

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