Friday December 5, 2014
Trash in our waterways is a serious issue, but every now and again we encounter a piece of “debris” in the river that makes us smile. While conducting salmon redd surveys on the Tuolumne River, two of our biologists recently noticed a bottle carrying some unusual contents. Emptying the bottle divulged a series of wishes that some wistful dreamer had written on a handful of notes. The bottle also contained a bracelet along for the ride.
This isn’t the first such bottled correspondence we’ve uncovered. Two years ago, our crew unearthed another message in a bottle (of a more adult nature), also on the Tuolumne River. There just seems to be something about the river that inspires people to cast their secret desires into its flowing waters. While we don’t encourage throwing objects of any kind into the river, we’re happy to tell the author of our most recently discovered notes that we read their messages loud and clear. If only it was within our powers to grant such wishes!