
Thursday April 27, 2023

Daily Kos

The California Senate Environmental Quality Committee today approved Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman’s bill, SB 687, to ensure that the State Water Resources Control Board updates the Bay-Delta Plan before considering a change in point of diversion permit associated with the Delta Tunnel.

The measure, “Water Quality Control Plan: Delta Conveyance Project,” moves on to the Senate Appropriations Committee. 

This bill does four things:

1) Requires SWRCB, before considering a change in point of diversion or other water rights permit or order associated with the Delta Conveyance Project, or any other isolated Delta conveyance project, to first adopt a final update of the 1995 Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary, including its update of water quality objectives for the Sacramento River, Delta, and tributaries.

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