
Friday January 20, 2023

ABC News

“Extreme” drought has been completely eliminated in California for the first time in nearly three years, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

While the drastic change for California has happened over the last few weeks, the most recent batch of rain has completely eliminated the “extreme” drought category. However, while smaller reservoirs have returned to averages, many larger ones still remain low, according to experts. And it’s still “too early to tell if the wet weather is enough to end the drought.”

This is the first time since April 2020 that there has been no “extreme” drought in California.

While drought in the western U.S. continues to improve overall, the Colorado River Basin lags behind the Sierra Nevadas in terms of recovery

It will take several seasons such as this one to help eliminate the drought in the area, which includes reservoirs Lake Mead and Lake Powell.

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