
Tuesday May 17, 2022

The Phnom Penh Post

The Fisheries Administration (FiA) and World Wide Fund for Nature Cambodia (WWF-Cambodia) are beefing up their efforts to protect the remaining Irrawaddy dolphins in Kratie province following the death of another dolphin last week.

The FiA and WWF-Cambodia on May 14 issued a statement saying they were saddened by the loss of the adult male in Kratie. The dolphin, which weighed 93kg and was 215cm long, was found dead two days prior, about 36km downstream of the Kampi pool.

According to their statement, this was the third adult of the species that had died this year.

Their research team had examined the carcass and found a wound on its tail and a long scratch below its dorsal fin.

“The team suggested that the dolphin died about two days ago, but was not able to conclude whether the death was caused by a gill net, as no marks consistent with that kind of cause of death were discovered.

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