
Wednesday May 24, 2023

The Phnom Penh Post

A May 19 spate of fish poisonings in the Stung Prek Tnaot River were caused by a combination of natural factors and excess chemical waste from a dried mango factory, according to Vei Samnang, Kampong Speu provincial governor. He clarified that the river was now running clean and that fish were no longer at risk.

He told The Post on May 22 that heavy rains had brought silt and sediment from other regions into the river, bringing a sudden change to the makeup of the water. This had combined with factory waste, and resulted in the deaths of several fish.

“After provincial authorities opened several sluice gates and returned water levels to normal, the problem was resolved, and the fish are no longer dying,” he said.

“We are pleased that the situation has returned to normal, but we have still carried out an inspection of the wastewater system of the factory in question,” he added.

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