
Monday March 14, 2022

NOAA Fisheries

Sierra Pacific Industries is the largest private forest landowner in the state of California, with about 1.8 million acres of timberland throughout the northern and central portions of the state. Rivers and streams on the company’s land in the Trinity River and Sacramento River basins provide habitat for salmon and steelhead species listed under the Endangered Species Act. NOAA Fisheries understands the significant conservation value of the watersheds on these lands. We have partnered with SPI and approved a Habitat Conservation Plan and Safe Harbor Agreement associated with SPI’s forest management program.

Safe Harbor Agreements are an important model for endangered species conservation and recovery. They engage the support of landowners who are critical to species recovery. Participating landowners voluntarily undertake activities on their property to enhance, restore, or maintain habitat benefiting ESA-listed species. In return, they receive assurances that they will not face new restrictions on their land because of their good stewardship practices.

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