Tuesday July 16, 2024
The Phnom Penh Post —
An endangered dugong (Dugong dugon), commonly known as a sea cow, was spotted for the first time by researchers in the Prek Tnaot fishing community in Kampot province’s Bokor town on July 4 after a conservation project previously dropped artificial reef structures into the water to create a shelter to protect marine habitats.
The provincial Fisheries Administration (FiA), lead by director Sar Sarin, along with Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC), have continued studying and researching rare species in the province’s waters.
“We do not yet know how many dugongs there are. The team spotted one and is continuing to study [their number]. They took photos and filmed footage from a distance so we can not yet identify whether it is male or female. But [it] is not small, over 200 kilogrammes approximately,” Sarin said.