Thursday June 6, 2024
NOAA Fisheries —
Nationally coherent, regionally specific.
This is the primary goal of our current federal-state effort to re-envision the recreational fisheries data collection program.
We collect recreational fishing data from anglers through our network of surveys. These data result in estimates of recreational catch and effort. Alongside commercial, observer, and biological data, they help inform stock assessments and resulting fisheries management advice. Our aim is to provide optimal fishing opportunities while balancing the need to protect marine fisheries resources.
While our current data collection program has its strengths—including tracking long-term patterns in recreational fishing activity—we acknowledge the program’s challenges. We recognize the need to re-evaluate our approaches and strive for a new collaboratively developed vision for recreational data collection that builds on the strengths of our state and regional partners. This will produce better data and better recreational catch estimates. Alongside our partners, the involvement of the recreational fishing community is crucial to the success of this process.