Wednesday November 16, 2022
After years of dwindling returns, the Bandon Hatchery and Coquille Tribe are excited to see at least 150 breeding pairs of fall Chinook Salmon this year. That’s one of the highest returns in nearly two decades.
Replenishing the salmon numbers has been an intensive team effort among the Coquille Tribe, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Port of Bandon, and Coquille Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program.
“Last year it was 24 breeding pairs, the year before that it was 3, and then in the neighborhood of 20 for a couple of years prior,” said John Ogan, the assistant executive director for Natural Resources for the Coquille Tribe.
“In 2017, there were 88 breeding pairs collected. As I mentioned, the goal is 75. This year we kinda smashed that record with over 100 breeding pairs.”
Fertilized eggs will be kept in incubation tanks, then moved to the Cole Rivers Hatchery, where juvenile salmon will hatch. Eventually they’ll be released into the Coquille River system.