
Thursday January 4, 2024

The Ceres Courier

Turlock Irrigation District, Modesto Irrigation District, and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have joined forces on an $80 million habitat restoration program along the lower Tuolumne River to improve the health and long-term recovery of the fishery and local communities it serves.

TID, MID and the SFPUC recently chose River Partners — a non-profit restoration organization based in Chico — to lead the planning and restoration efforts.

Over the next year, River Partners is slated to design a series of projects along the lower Tuolumne River and its floodplain — from Don Pedro Reservoir downstream to the San Joaquin River — that will improve conditions for salmon and other native aquatic species.

Nearly 30 years ago, TID, MID and SFPUC entered a settlement with Tuolumne River Trust and other parties to help restore the Tuolumne River fall-run Chinook salmon population. 

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