Capturing fish for life-cycle and population monitoring
FISHBIO builds and operates a variety of fish traps as part of life-cycle monitoring and population evaluations, and also uses boat and backpack electrofishing to capture fish. Fish may be trapped or captured for counting, measuring, weighing, tagging, scale sample or diet collection, relocation, or removal. Fish counting weirs and rotary screw traps are key elements of long-term life cycle monitoring for salmon and steelhead in California’s Central Valley.

Incline Plane Trap
Incline Plane Traps are a specialized device used to capture out-migrating juvenile fish, particularly in low flow water conditions.

Fyke Traps
Fykes are used as fishing traps around the world: funneling walls lead fish to the rear of the trap and prevent them from exiting. We often use fyke traps to sample large migratory fish.

Rotary Screw Traps
Foundational tools for sampling juvenile salmonids, rotary screw traps funnel migrating fish through a spinning cone into a holding box for processing.

Fish Weirs
Weirs direct migrating fish through a single opening that may include a Riverwatcher fish counter or fish trap. We install weirs seasonally to monitor migrating salmon and steelhead.

Regulated electrical current delivered through a boat or backpack unit temporarily immobilizes fish for capture. FISHBIO offers electrofishing services and equipment rentals.