
Monday July 31, 2023

The Fairfield Sun Times

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) is working with the Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit (MCFRU) at Montana State University to find out what is going on with trout in southwest Montana.

A website to report sightings of sick or dead fish was launched earlier this summer, with FWP saying that while they are interested in reports statewide, trout numbers on the Big Hole, Beaverhead and Ruby rivers have declined dramatically during the past 10 years.

To find out what is affecting fish abundance in the streams, three studies are being launched, with a fourth, conducted by FWP, will look at fish health and building capacity to sample fish for diseases.

The three studies with MCFRU will focus on adult mortality, juvenile origins and survival and fish diseases, according to FWP.

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