
Tuesday September 3, 2024

Sonoma Valley Sun

The health of the Russian River, Sonoma Valley’s primary source of drinking water, is critically important. One indicator of health is the status of Chinook Salmon, which used to migrate to spawn in uncountable numbers.

Sonoma Water, the county agency that manages water extraction and delivery from the Russian River to cities and counties, monitors the number of Chinook Salmon and generates yearly reports. The following information is drawn from Sonoma Water’s website.

Sonoma Water has initiated the process of collecting and reviewing video footage for the upcoming 2023-2024 adult salmonid season.

Per the Biological Opinion and State Water Resources Control Board Order, the video counting system operates continuously within the fish ladder, as water flow conditions permit. Sonoma Water biologists and a team of technicians review the time-lapse images seven days a week and visit the site daily to clean and maintain the cameras.

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