
Friday August 19, 2022


Clark County Public Health issued a warning Thursday for high levels of cyanotoxins and cyanobacteria at Round Lake near Camas, after issuing a similar warning last week for the nearby Lacamas Lake.

The Oregon Health Authority has issued similar warnings for cyanobacteria or another toxin called microcystin at multiple swimming sites around the state, including the Willamette River at Cathedral Park in Portland as of Wednesday.

Water samples taken Monday at Round Lake showed cyanotoxins levels beyond the safe limit recommended by the Washington Department of Health, county officials said in a press release. 

Warning signs are being placed at public access points around the lake. Officials will monitor both lakes and take weekly water samples to test for toxins when algae blooms are present.

Cyanotoxins are produced by harmful algae, and can rise to unsafe levels during algae blooms. The toxins can be harmful for people, especially children, and deadly for pets if they drink the water.

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