
Thursday March 16, 2023


Klamath County has seen massive amounts of rain and snow over the past few months, and it’s been the winter many farmers and other people who live and grow in the Klamath Basin have been praying for over the past few years.

In some areas, the snowpack is at 130% of what would be expected. But, there may be a limit on how much those who depend on it can benefit, at least in the short term.

“It certainly is an improvement hydrologically in terms of precipitation in the basin and snowpack in the mountains. We are in a fundamentally different place than we were in the last three years in terms of water supply,” said Moss Driscoll, Executive Director for the Klamath Water Users Association.

More heavy rain is expected soon, but the rain and snow don’t directly go to Klamath Basin farmers. They’re still subject to the water allotments given by the Bureau of Reclamation, and the bureau is saying they’re not sure how much will be available.

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