
Tuesday September 6, 2022

Daily Fly

On August 18, 2022 reports of a man-made dam on Lolo Creek were forwarded to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

The initial information stated a large man-made dam was located under the bridge that crosses Lolo Creek to Forest Road 5114 near Lolo Campground. Pictures from the Nez Perce Tribal Fisheries staff showed the dam was constructed of large rocks, tarp, and green cut trees lashed together with rope.

In a statement from the Nez Perce Tribe,

“The Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management has been working in the Clearwater Basin, including Lolo Creek for over 30 years with efforts to restore anadromous fish into the basin. Efforts include releases of steelhead and Chinook (releasing eggs, smolts, and adults) into Lolo Creek and other Clearwater Basin streams in attempts to restore those fish back to healthy and harvestable numbers. So far in 2022, the Tribe has outplanted a total of 2,047 chinook adults into Lolo, Crooked, Newsome, Mill, and American rivers. Outplants of adults provide additional opportunities for fish to spawn in nature and they need free-flowing access to spawning areas, and artificial dams, and human-caused blockages drastically limit these fish in certain areas. The tribe coordinates with many Federal, State, and local entities as we all work together towards this common goal and very much appreciate the public’s help with this lofty endeavor.”

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