Friday August 26, 2022
According to NOAA, on July 19, the Metlakatla Indian Community discovered three crab shells from the invasive green crab during an Annette Islands Reserve survey.
Further investigation found many more. As of Aug. 17, the tally was 56 live green crabs, 13 crab carapaces (shells), and six dead crabs from Tamgas Harbor and two from Smugglers Cove. Numbers continue to climb.
The green crab is an invasive marine species spreading throughout the coastal waters of the United States. Efforts between NOAA Fisheries and Metlakatla Indian Community have been leading the way on monitoring to detect this species’ presence in Alaskan waters.
The green crab has been found in U.S. waters since the 1800s, but this is the first confirmed presence in Alaska. They are a threat to native species and habitats. They are highly competitive predators that can decimate shellfish populations, outcompete native crabs, and reduce eelgrass and salt marsh habitats. They are a serious threat for Alaska’s tidal habitats.