
Thursday July 7, 2022

Monterey Herald

Monterey Peninsula water officials are reporting that not only did they meet the obligation to provide the agreed-upon amount of water from the Pure Water Monterey water recycling project, they were able to bank more than 100 acre-feet in groundwater reserve.

Pure Water Monterey — a project of Monterey One Water, the area’s wastewater service provider — takes recycled water that has been treated to a potable level and in a joint effort with the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District injects it into the Seaside Groundwater Basin for later extraction.

During the fiscal year that just ended June 30, the project delivered to California American Water Co. 3,500 acre-feet of water and an additional 173 acre-feet into reserves. One acre-foot will provide two urban households with water for a year, according to the Water Education Foundation.

“The (Pure Water Monterey) water delivered represents 37% of all water supplied during that time period,” said Dave Stoldt, general manager of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. “Plus, we now have an additional 1,207 acre-feet stored in the ground if needed in an emergency or shortage.”

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