Sharing fisheries science with diverse audiences
FISHBIO uses a variety of tools to achieve clear and effective science communication, including writing, photography, informational graphics, video, data visualization, and social media. Our engagement activities range from international collaborative initiatives to local community outreach and education programs. Subscribe to our weekly Fish Report email newsletter and follow our social media channels to stay informed about the latest fisheries research.
Video Production and Photography
FISHBIO’s in-house video production capabilities allow us to create dynamic videos and documentaries for our clients, and bring the world of fisheries science to life for a broad audience. We understand the power of visual imagery and consistently use photography and videography to capture and communicate our work, as well as the freshwater species and environments around us. We frequently share photos from our extensive image collection for use in books, brochures, and other educational materials.

As fisheries consultants, we regularly analyze and synthesize relevant scientific findings to keep our clients informed of key issues, and offer recommendations based on available science. We stay up to date on region-wide management processes and priorities, and produce reports and memos to distill project activities, recent publications, workshops, and meetings.

Workshops and Trainings
Our staff are experienced at organizing and facilitating workshops, trainings, and conference sessions both domestically and internationally. We convene participants to share scientific findings and lead discussion groups to identify research priorities and needs, often resulting in synthesis publications. We also provide training and capacity building in topics ranging from communication techniques to fisheries technology and methodology.

Outreach and Education
From our weekly Fish Report email newsletter to our diverse social media channels, FISHBIO offers a range of opportunities for the public to learn about fisheries science. We regularly participate in classroom visits, career fairs, and other outreach events to connect with our communities and inspire the next generation of fish biologists. We also host field trips for visiting school groups to observe our fisheries field activities and share scientific data for use in classrooms.