Long-term environmental and fisheries data collection
FISHBIO specializes in the field monitoring and rapid reporting required to assess the current status of fish populations and their habitats, and thereby inform water management decisions. We have built multi-decadal datasets based on our annual fisheries monitoring activities in California’s Central Valley. We also have expertise in regulatory requirements and compliance monitoring, including federal and state permitting, relicensing, and environmental impact reporting.
Life-Cycle Monitoring
FISHBIO utilizes a variety of methods to estimate salmonid abundance at different life stages, assess fish habitat use, and collect relevant environmental data. These techniques include rotary screw traps to monitor juvenile outmigration, fish counting weirs to monitor adult spawning migrations, snorkel surveys to assess population abundance and habitat use, and redd surveys to monitor spawning activity. As a result of our work, we have developed multiple long-term datasets of fish population trends and corresponding environmental conditions.

Permitting Support and Compliance
We support the regulatory needs of developers, utility districts, and various public and private entities. Tasks range from obtaining permits for listed-species studies and restoration projects, to conducting biological assessments and wildlife surveys for construction and maintenance activities. We prepare regulatory applications for various agencies, including Section 10(a)1(A)s, 4(d) Research Permits, Scientific Collection Permits, Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements, 404 and 401 Clean Water Certifications, Encroachment Permits, among others. Our staff can perform various compliance activities such as salvage and biological monitoring.

Fish Rescues
Our crews are experienced at excluding, removing and relocating fish as part of water operations, construction projects, infrastructure repair and maintenance, and restoration projects. We develop rescue plans to meet client needs and safely capture and release recovered fish in good condition. Methods may include electrofishing, seine netting, or hand netting, and can be adapted to both large and small-scale projects, confined spaces, and active construction sites.

Water Quality Monitoring
FISHBIO collects water samples for analysis as part of long-term water quality monitoring. We also monitor dissolved oxygen, water temperature and clarity, salinity, and nutrient levels during our regular fish monitoring activities. Internationally, we have helped train communities in monitoring aquatic insects as indicators of water quality.