Cameras and tools for seeing underwater
Imaging technologies can reveal the hidden underwater movements of fish by making the invisible visible. At FISHBIO, we use an array of imaging devices and cameras to document, count, and study fish, and can conduct aerial habitat mapping with the use of drones. We also fabricate our own underwater cameras for custom applications.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
FISHBIO utilizes the SonTek RS5 acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) to gather hydrological measurements in the field more safely, efficiently, and accurately. An ADCP sends out “pings” of sound waves […]

Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar (ARIS) and Dual-frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) cameras use sound waves to produce video-like imagery in turbid and dark conditions.

Installed to passively monitor fish passage in rivers, fish ladders, and weirs using infrared scanning technology and high resolution cameras.

Smolt Spy
The Smolt Spy is FISHBIO’s first fully custom video monitoring system that can be configured to passively monitor juvenile and adult fish in weirs, fish ladders, and fish passages.

FISHBIO has used drones to conduct salmon and trout redd surveys, map floodplain habitat, and collect topography data for potential river restoration sites.