
Friday August 25, 2023

The Appeal Democrat

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced on Wednesday that it has completed the release of about 23 million fall-run Chinook salmon raised at its four Central Valley anadromous fish hatcheries.

The hatcheries include the Feather River Fish Hatchery in Oroville, the Nimbus Fish Hatchery in Gold River, the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery in Clements, and the Merced River Hatchery in Snelling.

Officials said the salmon raised and released by CDFW this year represents a 15% increase over the roughly 20 million fall-run Chinook salmon raised and released in 2022.

“This year’s production goals were increased as a coordinated effort among state and federal partnering agencies to help fall-run Chinook salmon overcome impacts from an extended drought that increased water temperatures and decreased water flow throughout the Central Valley during critical salmon spawning and rearing periods,” officials said. “Drought conditions coupled with Thiamine Deficiency Complex, a vitamin deficiency that impacts reproduction, have reduced in-river spawning success the past several years.”

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