
Friday April 21, 2023

Capital Press

The U.S. and Canada could conclude  negotiations to modernize the Columbia River Treaty by June, the lead U.S. negotiator says.

“Resolving the remaining sticking points by June is ambitious, but the United States believes it is achievable,” U.S. State Department negotiator Jill Smail said. “We have made significant progress. Although we still have tough issues to work through, we believe the uncertainty facing both countries in 2024 will continue to motivate both countries’ teams to reach timely agreement.” 

Smail spoke prior to an online public listening session April 19.

The most recent negotiations concluded in March in Washington, D.C.

Next in-person negotiations will be May 16-17 in Kelowna, British Columbia. Another session is planned in August “if necessary,” Smail said.

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