
Monday October 17, 2022

Tahoe Daily Tribune

Taylor Creek has recently been referred to as a parking lot by local fishing guide JD Richey in a recent Facebook post.

On Oct. 2, Richey posted a video on Oct. 2 showing social media followers the aquatic invasive species project, the low levels of the creek and the “brutal gauntlet” the kokanee salmon face this spawning season.

“This area has one of the highest concentrations of invasive species anywhere around the lake. Eurasian watermilfoil is the major plant species being released into the lake from these creeks,” according to the Tahoe Fund’s website. 

This project is part of a larger effort by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit to restore one of the last natural wetlands in the basin. Tahoe Fund provided $100,000 to the project and hosts a video on their website explaining the extensive and collaborative effort that has been enacted to remove 17 acres of invasive plants in Taylor and Tallac creeks.

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